How YOU can help stop the spread.
From shaking hands, and physical contact with others.
Hand sanitizer, and sanitizing products to help keep areas clean!
Wear a mask!
If you do have to be out in public, please wear a mask!
Visit Virtually
Meeting with Friends? Speaking with relatives? Technology is a great way to keep up with friends and family!
If your job allows for remote attendance, take advantage of it! Work from home as much as possible!
Feeling Bad?
Covid-19 has multiple symptoms, sometimes they can go unnoticed. Feeling rough? Keep track of your symptoms, and get tested!
A very common Covid-19 symptom is a rising temperature, be sure to monitor your temperature if you're feeling bad!
Working together, we can beat this virus. Doing your part is most important! Everyone has a job to do!
Created with
by: Josh Dillon